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Are you still willing to join the manufacturing industry in the digital age?

Release time:2024-09-09click:0
Some time ago, "Encourage young people to deliver less food and go to factories more" was a hot search topic and triggered widespread discussion. While the opinions of all parties collided fiercely, we found that the employment tendencies of young people have changed. A few decades ago, factories were still a gathering place for young people's dreams. Nowadays, young people’s employment options seem to be moving “away from factories.”
The industry calls for more “favor” to the manufacturing industry
In recent years, “difficulty in recruiting” has become a social topic. Especially in the manufacturing field, recruitment is a long-standing problem. Although the government has repeatedly emphasized and called for revitalizing the manufacturing industry and vigorously developing high-end manufacturing, it still cannot be effectively alleviated in the short term.
The central government has repeatedly emphasized the need to revitalize the manufacturing industry, vigorously develop high-end manufacturing, improve the development level of China's manufacturing industry, achieve high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, and enhance the international competition of China's manufacturing industry. Against the backdrop of strong economic growth, the manufacturing industry is facing a severe "recruitment difficulty" problem. This makes people think about how to enhance the attractiveness of the manufacturing industry and how to get young people to move to the manufacturing industry instead of withdrawing from it.
The talent gap in the manufacturing industry is in urgent need of transformation
The traditional manufacturing industry suffers from boring production process lines and backward work processes. , making the young people of the new era avoid it and want to love but cannot.
At the same time, the development of emerging industries has intensified the talent gap problem in the manufacturing field. According to relevant statistics, it is expected that by 2025, there will be a talent gap in the top ten key areas of China's manufacturing industry. There are nearly 30 million people, and the gap rate is as high as 48%.
Cao Dewang once said that today’s young people would rather deliver food or work as security guards than engage in manufacturing. In the long run, what will happen to the manufacturing industry, which is the foundation of the country? In fact, employment is a two-way selection process. You might as well look for the reason for the "difficulty in recruiting workers" in the manufacturing industry from yourself. The boring production lines and "three shifts" work and rest time have dissuaded some young people. Relatively speaking, those who deliver food Time is relatively free and the income ceiling is higher.
How to get young people to "dedicate" to the manufacturing industry? ——Digital transformation of manufacturing industry may be a "way out"quo;.
Digital transformation has been the strategic core of the manufacturing industry in recent years. The traditional manufacturing industry has realized transformation and upgrading through digitalization, intelligence, and green methods, and introduced high-end technologies such as industrial robots and advanced manufacturing equipment. The technology of technology will not be a difficulty. This will also be a "required course" for traditional manufacturing in the next few years.
While digitalization can improve quality and efficiency for enterprises, it can also help solve the problem of lack of talent in the manufacturing industry. After realizing digital transformation, what enterprises need is no longer a labor force engaged in simple and repetitive mechanical work but compound talents who can use digital, AI, and big data technologies.
 Policies encourage the orderly advancement of manufacturing transformation
At present, the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is advancing in an orderly manner. The "14th Five-Year Plan" mentioned that the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry will be listed as a key project to promote the digital transformation, networked collaboration, and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry. By 2025, most manufacturing enterprises above designated size will be digitally networked; by 2035, manufacturing enterprises above designated size will be fully digitalized and networked, and key enterprises in key industries will be basically intelligent.
At present, the digital transformation of my country's manufacturing industry still faces some shortcomings and constraints, mainly due to weak original innovation capabilities and few major original achievements. For this reason, various provinces and cities in our country have also issued some corresponding regulations. policy.
Taking Tianjin as an example, we will promote the transformation and development of digital empowerment. Deeply implement the three-year action for digital development, coordinate the construction of digital economy, digital society and digital government, adhere to application leadership, strengthen working mechanisms, and create a number of application demonstration scenarios;
Implementing the digital economy " 1+3" action, giving full play to the role of the "Tianjin Industry Development" industrial intelligence center, vigorously developing the industrial Internet;
Implementing intelligent manufacturing empowerment projects, promoting cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and blockchain We will wait for the integrated development of digital technology and manufacturing, highlight the role of platforms, build 100 new smart factories and digital workshops, and cultivate a number of benchmark enterprises.
Focus on manufacturing to promote economic development
At a public lecture on "Analysis of Domestic and Foreign Economic Situations" held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang , Professor Hua Min of Fudan University revealed the economic situation to nearly a hundred Zhejiang entrepreneursThe harsh reality after the prosperity of hot industries such as regularity and Internet+, and said that China's economic development still lies in the manufacturing industry. As a pillar industry of the national economy, manufacturing industry needs more attention.
Today, as the "Internet +" industry is booming, if the manufacturing industry wants to regain the market, it cannot do without the government's resource allocation. The government can increase corporate after-tax profits and encourage investment through tax cuts. In addition, the government can also implement loose monetary policies to reduce the capital costs of enterprises. After the enterprises' costs are reduced, they can improve employee benefits and increase employee security. Only in this way can manufacturing become an employment choice for more young people.

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